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Kirklees’ Muslim Community needs to reassess its leadership…

In Huddersfield the Kirklees’ Muslim Action Committee, claiming to represent 15,000 Muslims, is deeply upset at a Muslim group that held an Exhibition on the Holy Qur’ān (see Newspaper report HERE).

Surprisingly, the spokesman of the Action Committee, Mr. Amar Usman Ali, is reported to have said:

“We believe that it is time the Muslims of Huddersfield did not allow a local group to use our name to hold any future exhibitions, and have been hurt and deeply upset over the lack of consultation with the Muslim community prior to holding this event.”

The Qur’ān Exhibition held in Huddersfield Town Hall was attendede by the Mayor of Kirklees and a Member of Parliament.  Notably, Mr. Ali’s statement seems highly irrelevant and shows an immense lack of maturity… Read the rest of this entry »